Avian Species Management Plan for Bridges Re-Development Qld

The purpose of this Species Management Plan (SMP) was to mitigate potential population impacts to avian species and to ensure the re-development project was undertaken in an environmentally acceptable manner. 

Biodiverse Environmental was previously engaged by the client in October 2021 to conduct a fauna management report for upcoming maintenance works on four bridges. The report identified that the Fairy Martin (Petrochelidon ariel) and Welcome Swallows (Hirundo neoxena) were present within the maintenance works area.  Both species are listed as least concern colonial breeders under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and the Nature Conservation Act 1992.  

Due to the presence of the Fairy Martin and Welcome Swallow within the project sites, the client was required to develop and submit a Species Management Plan for tampering with animal breeding places (high risk of impacts) to the Department of Environment and Science.  

A High-Risk SMP was to be used for:   

  • least concern animals that are colonial breeders, and therefore whose broader populations are at greater risk from the impacts of events at a single location.  
  • development of a generic Species Management Program for tampering with animal breeding places (high risk of impacts) for the Fairy Martin (Petrochelidon ariel) and Welcome Swallows (Hirundo neoxena) for the maintenance works on bridge or culverts.

    The development of the Species Management Program included the following:
    • Consultation with DES  
    • Completion of the Species Management Program application form 
    • Development/amendment of supporting documents required to be attached to the Species Management Program application form.  
    • Supporting documents included map/plan of the proposed impact area, Animal Breeding Place Survey Report and an Impact Management Plan