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Both native and introduced fauna species can become pests in certain situations.

Although native, flying-foxes and possums can encroach on residential areas and cause health and safety concerns. The native Welcome swallow can begin nesting in workshops in large numbers, resulting in health concerns and damaging equipment with their mud nests and faeces. Introduced fauna such as dogs, cats, rabbits, hares and foxes can negatively impact the environment, reduce biodiversity and result in economic loss to landowners.

Biodiverse Environmental provides ethical and effective management of pest species by providing clients with the following services:

  • Pest animal surveys, monitoring and reporting (including large scale thermal aerial survey – UAV)
  • Development of management plans
  • Implementing management techniques such as dispersal and exclusion (i.e. population restriction through egg removal and/or removal and relocation or humane culling of introduced species. All dispersal, removal and relocation of native animals are conducted under the relevant Queensland Government permits, including Damage Mitigation Permits and Flying-fox Roost Management Permits