Biodiverse Environmental ecologists carried out an ecological assessment at the beginning of 2022 to gain a deeper understanding of the ecological values of a site, which would aid in the assessment and decision on a suitable building envelope for future developments. The data used for this assessment was found with the use of a detailed desktop analysis and was then confirmed onsite through ground truthing, proving the desktop analysis data to be correct.
Various sources, including the EPBC Act, the Vegetation Management Act and the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, were used in the mapping to comprehend the area and create a preclearance map. A likelihood of occurrence assessment was also undertaken for fauna and flora species that were likely to be present in the area.
Due to the findings, recommendations to build on an alternate site were proposed. Alternatively, if building was to proceed on the initial site, a comprehensive clearing plan was required to be developed with the landowner, a fire assessment officer and Biodiverse Environmental’s ecologists. This plan would need to detail the extent of clearing and the fauna and flora management required for the clearing to proceed.