About the project and Stakeholders
As part of the Beerburrum to Nambour (B2N) Rail Upgrade Project, Department of Transport and Main Roads are undertaking upgrades of the rail line between Beerburrum and Nambour. The scope of the B2N project includes rail duplication between Beerburrum and Landsborough, road upgrades, railway realignment works and other infrastructure improvements.
The outcomes of this project will provide environmental, social and economic benefits to the region. Hall Contracting Pty Ltd were awarded the contract for the Early Works Package, which commenced in early 2022. As part of the early works, Hall Contracting Pty Ltd engaged Biodiverse Environmental to conduct fauna and flora surveys.
Why Fauna Spotter Catchers are necessary
Although urbanisation has put increasing pressure on biodiversity when residential areas encroach on natural systems, some species have adapted to and thrived in this novel environment. Urban environments can provide suitable habitat for a wide range of fauna species because of abundant food and shelter. Some urban habitats, such as railway lines, abandoned industrial lands and urban wetlands, can be rich in native fauna species.
Our contribution
Fauna Surveys
Biodiverse Environmental’s team of fauna spotter catchers conducted a pre-clearance survey of the Beerburrum and Landsborough sites prior to the demolition of multiple structures. These structures were in extremely poor condition, with overgrown grass, weeds proliferating and water pooling.
Our Fauna Spotter Catchers also remained on site to provide fauna management services during the demolition process.
Biodiverse Environmental conducted a targeted trapping and fauna spotter catching schedule to capture and relocate as many native fauna species as possible to suitable nearby habitat, before the demolition works commenced. Trapping occurred over two weeks using different trapping methods, including Elliot traps and cage traps.
Biodiverse Environmental’s experienced and passionate fauna spotter catchers managed to capture and safely relocate over 50 native animals during the works, including native rodents, dasyurids, snakes, possums and gliders.
Baseline Weed Surveys
Ecologists from Biodiverse Environmental conducted a comprehensive baseline weed survey within the planned development corridor to determine the presence of any weeds and restricted invasive plants.
During the survey, Biodiverse ecologists identified 88 species of weeds within the development area, including in problematic areas where weeds may be negatively impacting native fauna.
The information obtained through ground surveys were to be used to gauge weed control measures implemented throughout the construction and monitoring phases, and to be used as a comparison tool for weed presence over time. Biodiverse Environmental will continue to work with Hall Contracting Pty Ltd to provide weed management advice and services for the site.
Do you need weed management assistance?
Biodiverse Environmental staff have a strong knowledge of weed hygiene and the new Biosecurity Act in Queensland, along with excellent weed identification and horticultural skills. Contact us to discuss how Biodiverse Environmental may be able to help you to develop and implement a Weed Management Plan for your property and to carry out weed control using best practice eradication methods.