Wallum Froglet Species Management Plan for Noosaville Development Qld

The purpose of this Species Management Plan (SMP) was to mitigate potential population impacts to acid frog populations specifically the Wallum Froglet (Crinia tinnula) and to ensure the development project was undertaken in an environmentally acceptable manner at a Noosaville development.  The froglet is species are listed as least concern under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and vulnerable under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.

This work was the result of the froglet being present during the ground truth survey for the Fauna Management Plan (FMP) which triggered the SMP.  The SMP was approved by the Dept of Environment and Science in January 2023. 

Prior to works commencing, an Impact Management Plan (IMP) was written to provide practical guidance to the construction teams when clearing the site.  Biodiverse Environmental Fauna Spotter catchers will be on site before and during all clearing activities to relocate the frog population and monitor the progress of the IMP when development starts.