The Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade (B2N) project, involved upgrades of the rail line between Beerburrum and Nambour. The scope of the B2N project included rail duplication between Beerburrum and Landsborough and other infrastructure improvements.
Hall Contracting engaged Biodiverse Environmental to conduct a base line weed survey within the planned development corridor to determine the contemporary presence of weeds and restricted invasive plants. The information obtained through ground surveys were used to gauge weed control measures implemented throughout the construction and monitoring phases and as a comparison of weed presence over time.
Following the weed survey, the weed control works were undertaken by Biodiverse Environmental’s experienced field crew. The weed control works consisted of traversing the entire rail footprint and treating all listed weeds using a variety of methods (backpack spraying and basal barking, etc) in accordance with the weed species and chemical safety data sheets.
A 90% reduction in listed weed species was achieved with the first treatment. This outcome resulted in the beginning of the duplication project and met all the required biosecurity milestones for the client and relevant government agencies.